Sharma Law provides strategic, cost-effective legal solutions to protect your brand and grow your business.
Sharma Law provides strategic, cost-effective legal solutions to protect your brand and grow your business.
Only you have the right to use your registered trademark in the United States
Trademark registration gives you strong legal enforcement options, like cease and desists or other formal legal action
Companies want to see a trademark registration when licensing your brand/products
A trademark registration increases the value of your brand for potential buyers
A trademark registration puts the public on notice that you are the exclusive owner of the trademark
You can use your US trademark registration for filing trademark applications in foregin countries
We will perform a full search to see if anyone else is using your trademark or a similar trademark. Our search covers the trademark office database, and common law uses of your trademark (e.g. social media, websites, etc.). We will provide our expert opinion on the likelihood of success of registering your trademark and discuss a filing strategy.
We will reach out for the information we need to complete your application, prepare your application, then file your trademark application.
After filing a trademark application, it is reviewed by an attorney at the US trademark office. If there is an issue with the application, they will issue an “Office Action” which states the basis for the problem. These objections may be addressed by amending the application and/or filing a response.
If your application is accepted by the trademark office, it will be published in the Trademark Gazette to put the public on notice of your trademark application. The public has 30 days to oppose your trademark application. If there are no oppositions, your trademark will move to registration.
After publication for a use-based application, you will receive an official Certificate of Trademark Registration! (For intent to use applications, you will receive a Notice of Allowance prior to receiving a registration.)
Comprehensive Trademark Search & Sharma Law Opinion – $750
• Trademark application preparation and filing
• All official correspondence including reporting updates
• Responses to non-substantive office actions
• Reporting US registration including certificate
$1,000 for a trademark application for 1 mark in 1 class* + $350 government filing fee
$500 for each additional class* for the same mark + $350 government filing fees
*When filing a trademark application, the application must be filed for certain goods and/or services which are called “classifications” or classes. Most of our clients are interested in filing in Class 41 for entertainment services. The most important additional classes for our clients are often Class 9 (mobile apps/downloadable podcasts and videos), 16 (paper materials/books), and 25 (clothing). By way of example, to search and file trademark applications for one trademark in Class 41 and Class 25, the total cost would be $2,950 (1 search and opinion, and 1 trademark filed in 2 classes + 2 government filing fees).